Chris & Julia’s Wedding on Super 8

Julia and I worked together for about a year as teachers, and one day at work she was asking my advice on purchasing an old Super 8 camera on eBay to use at her wedding. We struck up a conversation about it, and me being quite familiar with the film photography world, figured I could do a little research and find a good camera for her. This conversation eventually led to us talking about having me do videography at her wedding. I told her I had never in my life used a video camera, much less one from 1964, but I was up for the challenge! I found an old Canon 518 on Facebook Marketplace that had not been film tested, but was within my budget, so I bit the bullet and drove 2 hours away to pick it up. To my delight, the camera ended up being in perfect working condition! I tested out one roll of film before her wedding to make sure everything was cranking as it should be, and a few days later, the time came to capture this wedding on film. Throughout the day, I shot about 9 rolls of 35mm film (feel free to check out the photos here!) and 3 rolls of Super 8 film. This highlight reel is the result:


chris & julia's wedding on film


pat and leanna's garden elopement